Religious Right group Focus on the Family is apparently all in a tizzy about SpongeBob SquarePants. Because he's supporting multiculturalism in a video.
On Wednesday however, Paul Batura, assistant to Mr. Dobson at Focus on the Family, said the group stood by its accusation.Okay, the video does also feature Barney, so you can kind of see where the brainwashing idea comes from. But I'm pretty sure SpongeBob is not out to turn anyone's children gay. He's an effin' SPONGE, people, a CARTOON sponge! Apparently genuinely daunting family issues like, oh, child abuse and neglect, or poverty, say, are just too fuzzy for the Focus folks.
"We see the video as an insidious means by which the organization is manipulating and potentially brainwashing kids," he said. "It is a classic bait and switch."
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