Monday, November 27, 2006

Taliban on the Potomac

Religious zealots pushing crackpot ideology that flies in the face of science, reason, and even mainstream religion in an effort to manipulate and restrict women--is it the Taliban? No, it's our very own White House. Look who they appointed to be in charge of the federal family planning office:
As medical director of A Woman's Concern, a small chain of nonprofit pregnancy counseling clinics that offer no information on birth control, [Eric] Keroack has agitated against abortion and even contraception — including for married women. The organization continues to push the discredited nonsense that abortion increases a woman's chances of breast cancer and is more dangerous during the first eight weeks of pregnancy (when, in fact, the risk of complication is actually at its lowest). Birth control, according to A Woman's Concern's tortured logic, is somehow "demeaning to women." And Keroack has argued that women who have sex with multiple partners alter their brain chemistry in the process, making it harder for them to form close relationships.
That's from the LA Times. I guess they haven't noticed that women have the vote in this country.

The Bush folks took a drubbing in the recent election and appear poised not to learn from that experience but rather to do the most possible damage in the time they have left. Hmm, does sound kind of like the Taliban, doesn't it?


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