Sunday, September 12, 2004

It's the Future, Stupid

A rich guy used his connections to avoid going to war? To whom is this news? It has been happening for generations upon generations. Time to get over those events of thirty years ago and focus on what is important. A call to arms:
Can you imagine the message America will send to the world if Bush is re-elected? I think much of the world hasn't completely given up on America because it thinks we didn't know what Bush was really like in 2000. If we re-elect him, the world will give up on us. And it should. A second Bush term means that America has endorsed the botched war on terror; endorsed the Iraq debacle (invasion and/or execution); endorsed Abu Ghraib; endorsed abandoning international institutions; endorsed runaway deficits; endorsed stem cell research restrictions; endorsed the lack of any coherent domestic or fiscal policy; endorsed an economic policy that is blatantly concentrating wealth at the top; endorsed the complete lack of health care policy; endorsed the various unfunded mandates; endorsed the lies; endorsed Cheney; endorsed horrible environmental policy such as increased logging and mountaintop removal; endorsed the torture memos.

As each of us casts a ballot, let's keep in mind what we want to be endorsing. And whether we will be proud of that in thirty years' time.


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