Tuesday, July 11, 2006

No, This Part of the Story Just Doesn't Make Sense

Okay, there are clearly pod people or something inhabiting the bodies of the leadership; they just aren't acting like the evil, fascist plutocrats we have come to know and hate. First the rich start paying taxes again all of a sudden, then the U.S. decides out of the blue to abide by the Geneva Conventions. This isn't just a bit uncharacteristic of our overlords; something is completely out of whack. I am not sure whether to be overjoyed or worried about what we're being softened up for.

Maybe it's those alien cells. Truth to tell, I'd trust weird alien spores sooner than I trust the current U.S. government. You'd think I'd choose the devil known over the devil unknown over the devil unknown; the thing is, I know W and Company are evil, while I have no evidence of same for the aliens (if any).

And it's a sad state of affairs when alien cells are as good an explanation as any for the plutocracy behaving in such a wildly implausible way that were it fiction it would immediately be dismissed as out of character and badly written.


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