Friday, March 25, 2005

"Screw with me, kid, and I'll nail ya to that chocolate cross!"

Apparently, some Catholic leaders are upset that the Russell Stover candy company is making chocolate crosses for Easter.

Now where have these people been? Don't know about you, but chocolate crosses were a staple of my childhood Easters. My grandmother thought chocolate bunnies were anti-religious--Easter isn't about a bunny--so we got chocolate crosses instead. (Never mind that bunnies were more desirable because you can nibble the ears.) We're talking (mumble, mumble) years ago, so this is no novelty.

Here's the apparent objection:
A spokesman for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut, finds the new product insulting. He says, "The cross should be venerated, not eaten."

Unlike the transubstantiated Body of Christ consumed at mass, I guess.

(The quote in the title is from the Evil Easter Bunny. Trust me, you don't want to know.)


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