Monday, June 06, 2005

Another Unqualified Evolution Denier

Lacking, as usual, anyone with actual scientific credentials to take up the creationist mantel, something called the Social Affairs Unit has published an evolution-denying rant by a history professor in Wales. The author clearly lacks any understanding of evolutionary theory as posited by Charles Darwin or as refined in modern years, as this author points out (and is able to provide links and references to support his points, unlike Prof. Rubinstein, who just claims evolution doesn't make sense to him.

Not least because he doesn't understand it? Fourier analysis didn't make sense to me on its face before I studied it...but I didn't claim it was false because I didn't understand it. (I guess if, like most evolution-deniers, you think you have the monopoly on the hotline to God--which Rubinstein doesn't claim directly, although he does spend some time patting himself on the back about how smart he is--it's incomprehensible that you might not understand something.)

Says Prof. Rubinstein:
The incredible complexity of life, and its apparent ever-increasing sophistication over time, strongly implies a guiding force of some kind.
But apparently not one that has yielded sophisticated thinking on the part of evolution-deniers.


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