Sunday, June 12, 2005

God Is a Liberal, Because He Said So

Here's an interesting site I ran across by way of Making Light, enumerating what the Bible has to say about the poor. Says the site's author, Mark Rosenfelder, about whom I know nothing:
American churches have departed strongly from Biblical values in these areas, and even created a rationalization-- "prosperity theology"-- for rejecting them.
Not just churches, but individuals: it's admittedly difficult to set aside one's own comfort, especially in this consumption-oriented culture, in favor of doing the right thing. Last night I was confronted by a beggar on the subway, and yeah, I managed to rationalize my way out of doing anything. But the Biblical message is clear, as Rosenfelder demonstrates.

But here's an easy thing you could do:
If you wanted to be a Biblical one-issue voter, you'd do well to make that one issue serving the poor.
Too bad so few one-issue voters see it that way.


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